EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT | 7 Sindicatelor Street | Cluj-Napoca | 400029 | Tel: +40 264 598814
Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The Department of Educational Sciences, in partnership with The Mitropoly of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj, The Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj and Beclean Deanery, organizes the second edition of the International Conference of Education, Religion and Family in the Contemporary Society, October 12th – 14th, Beclean, Romania
EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT | 7 Sindicatelor Street | Cluj-Napoca | 400029 | Tel: +40 264 598814
Literature review papers
The papers focused on literature reviewshould present the following structure:
for sending the titles and the summaries of the papers: Augustthe 18th,2018for confirmation and acceptance of the papers August the 25th, 2018for sending the entire articles and paying the tax: September the 15th 2018
The papers focused on studies and researchesshould present the following structure:
The submitted articles should respect the following general structure
and layout: 4-10 pages including References, Tables, Figures & Annexes.
•Paper Rationale•Paper theoretical foundation and related literature•Methodology•Results•Discussions•Conclusions•References
Studies and researches papers
1.Introduction:2.Main Body:
1. Introduction:•A concise definition of a topic under consideration (this may be a descriptive or argumentative thesis, or proposal), as well as the scope of the related literature being investigated. (Example: If the topic under consideration is ‘women’s wartime diaries’, the scope of the review may be limited to published orunpublished works, works in English, works from a particular location, time period, or conflict, etc.)•The introduction should also note intentional exclusions. (Example: “This review will not explore the diaries of adolescent girls.”)•Another purpose of the introduction is to state the general findings of the review (what do most of thesources conclude), and comment on the availability of sources in the subject area.2. Main Body:•Each work should be critically summarized and evaluated for its premise, methodology, and conclusion. It is as important to address inconsistencies, omissions, and errors, as it is to identify accuracy, depth, and relevance.•Use logical connections and transitions to connect sources.3. Conclusion:•The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the review in general terms. Notable commonalities between works, whether favourable or not, may be included here.•This section is the reviewer’s opportunity to justify a research proposal. Therefore, the idea should be clearly re-stated and supported according to the findings of the review.
RePEc, CEEOL, Google Academics, ORCID, Universal Impact Factor).
Science (Web of Science) for evaluation in order to be included in the list.
EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT | 7 Sindicatelor Street | Cluj-Napoca | 400029 | Tel: +40 264 598814
•Professor PhD Laurenţiu ŞOITU, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania•Professor PhD Nicolae Adrian OPRE, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Professor PhD Ion ALBULESCU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Professor PhD Vasile CHIȘ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Professor PhD Inocent Maria SZANISZLO, Pontificia Università San Tommaso d´Aquino - Angelicum, Italy•Professor PhD pr. Toniolo ANDREA, Facolta’ Teologica del Triveneto, Italy•Professor PhD Aspasia KALOUDI, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece•Professor PhD pr. Gianandrea Di DONNA, Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose Padova, Italy •Professor PhD Cristian STAN, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Professor PhD Tecle VETRALI, Padova University, Italy•Professor PhD Thomas KNIEPS, University of Leuven, Belgium•Professor PhD pr. Nicu DUMITRAŞCU, Oradea University, Romania•Professor PhD Przemyslaw KANTYKA, John Paul II, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland•Professor PhD Andrei POPA, Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu University, Moldova•Associate Professor PhD Florin SĂLĂJAN, NDSU, USA•Associate Professor PhD Mirela ALBULESCU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Associate Professor PhD Cătălin GLAVA, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Associate Professor PhD PR. Teofil TIA, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Associate Professor PhD Rastko JOVIC, Belgrad University, Serbia•Senior Lecturer PhD Ioana KOGLBAUER, Graz University of Technology, Austria•Senior Lecturer PhD Adriana Denisa MANEA, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania•Researcher PhD Jonas SCHARFENBERG, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany•Researcher PhD Andrei IZOTOV, Sankt Petersburg State University, Russia•Researcher PhD Veronica CLICHICI, Institute of Educational Sciences, Moldova
GENERAL COORDINATION•Ion ALBULESCU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca•Cristian STAN, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca•Adriana Denisa MANEA, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca•Ciprian BACIU, Babeș-Bolyai University•Constantina CATALANO, Babeș-Bolyai University•Doru ZINVELIU, Deanery, BecleanMEMBERS•Adina GLAVA, Babeș-Bolyai University•Bogdan IVANOV, The Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj•Horațiu CATALANO, Babeș-Bolyai University•Benedict VESA, The Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj•Daniel ANDRONACHE, Babeș-Bolyai University•Maxim MORARIU, Babeș-Bolyai University•Cristina ŞINAR, Alba ca Zapada Kindergarten•Claudiu ZINVELIU, Orthodox Deanery Beclean•Lucian BADALE, Orthodox Deanery Beclean•Alina-Eva DIUGAN, Orthodox Deanery Beclean
•Ioana IACOB MUDURE, Babeș-Bolyai University•Georgeta BALINT, C.R.Vivu High School, Teaca
EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT | 7 Sindicatelor Street | Cluj-Napoca | 400029 | Tel: +40 264 598814
Online Registration Form:
Please take into consideration the submission guidelines. Please respect the mentioned guidelines in order to get your paper accepted and published.Each author is responsible for the originality of their text, for the translation quality and for the fact that it has not been previously published.
If you are going to present please click on the button below :
For those interested in attending to participate in the various presentation sessions please click on the button below:
•Abstract submissions: August the 18th, 2018•Confirmation and acceptance of the papers: August the 25th, 2018•Full Paper Submissions and paying the fees: September the 15th, 2018•Conference Dates: October 12th – 14th, 2018
Conference fee: 100 €The fee for students is 50 €Listener fee: 10€
Video clips from the first edition of the International Conference Education, Religion, Family In Contemporary Society
ERF 2016
EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT | 7 Sindicatelor Street | Cluj-Napoca | 400029 | Tel: +40 264 598814
Education, Religion, Family in the contemporary
by Ion Albulescu (Author), Adriana-Denisa Manea
(Author), Iuliu-Marius Morariu (Author)
Contemporary societies are facing a series of crises in the political, economic, social, educational, and moral sphere. These were exacerbated by technical and scientific developments or by the globalization phenomenon, fact that triggered a process of analysis of social and educational phenomena in order to identify viable solutions. In this context are included the debates conducted during the International Conference Education, Religion and Family in the Contemporary Society (ICERFCS), First Edition, held in Beclean, Romania, on 10th-11th November 2016, which was organized within a partnership between the Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Educational Sciences Department and the Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramures and Salaj, the Romanian Orthodox Archpresbyteriate Beclean. The event was attended by over 350 persons.
First Edition of the International Conference: Education, Religion, Family In Contemporary Society10-11 November, 2016, Beclean, Romania
EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT | 7 Sindicatelor Street | Cluj-Napoca | 400029 | Tel: +40 264 598814
The most important events and facts relating to the town of Beclean and the villages belonging to Coldau, Figa, Rusu de Jos during the feudal age from the tenth to the middle of the nineteenth century are characterized by the emergence of social differentiation within the village communities and the gradual formation of the feudal domains while the Romanian local institutions continue to live in the form of the local communities and the gradual formation of the feudal domains, in the form of local cnezates and voivodeships, for a long time, both in the time of the Pecenes, and under the rule of the Hungarian kingdom.At present, the town of Beclean is an important locality in northern Transylvania, Romania's well-known historical province. Developing economic and tourism center, the second largest city in Bistrita-Nasaud County, presents a number of attractions and objectives of great interest, both economically and especially from a tourist point of view (Băile Figa Spa,Beclean Stud Farm, The Hunting Castle Bethlen, The museum „Casa de Vanatoare”, The Calvinis Reformed Church, The Catholic Church, „Sfantul Stefan”).
Settlement at the meeting of water and roads, ancient cnezial residence, then ecclesiastical and feudal fortress with fortress in the Middle Ages, fair and city in the contemporary era, is documentary certified since 1235, Beclean this year, 779 years since its first attestation in an official document.
The Beclean town is located on the Somesul Mare corridor, downstream of the Somes-Sieu confluence, in the area separating two large Transylvanian Plateau and Somesan Plateau, Beclean is the second largest city after Bistrita.The history of Beclean does not begin here. Specialists attest to the occupation of these lands in the Paleolithic age (approximately 50,000 years before Christ), the continuation and development in the Neolithic (about 50000-1900 years before Christ) in the Bronze Age (1700-1150 BC).The archaeological discoveries prove the existence on the territory of Beclean of some fortified points, eg. on Varba to the East of Coldau, discovered in the 19th century and the recent discovery at the end of the 20th century on Bileag where a Dacian fortress was discovered by researchers from the University of Cluj-Napoca and the Bistrita-Nasaud County Museum, researches that are underway evaluation.
City Hall of Beclean
We are looking forward to welcoming you at our International Conference !
EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT | 7 Sindicatelor Street | Cluj-Napoca | 400029 | Tel: +40 264 598814
Sections of the Conference
Section A:
Section B:
Religion and religious education - factors of the emancipation of thehuman condition
Workshop (1):
Determinations and interactions in the making of the education for the IIIrd millenniumWorkshop (2):The Centennial Union– Romanian culture and spirituality
The tax of 100 €for publishing corresponds to one submitted article. If an author submits more articles, the tax will be paid for each of the submitted articles.
Education in the era of globalization-challenges and perspectives