☰ Menu.International Conference "Education, Religion and Family"

Conference Programme

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Conference proceedings were published in Astra Salvensis Journal, no. 18, 2021: Read the Journal | Journal Webpage | Conference Program in .pdf version

Friday, October 15, 2021

14:00–15:00 Guests welcoming

Sfântul Apostol Andrei Cathedral, Beclean

15:00 – 15:45 ERF 2021 - Conference opening ceremony
  • Welcome address from the organizers: Denisa MANEA, Associate professor Ph.D. and Cristian DRAGOȘ, Cathedral Dean
  • Address from His Eminence Andrei, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureṣ, and Sãlaj, Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj
  • Conference Opening Remarks: Ion ALBULESCU, Professor Ph.D. Habil., Head of Educational Sciences Department, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
  • Emil Radu MOLDOVAN, President of County Council, Bistrița-Năsăud
  • Stelian DOLHA, Prefect of the Bistrița-Năsăud County Prefecture
  • Nicolae MOLDOVAN, Mayor of Beclean
  • Aurelia DAN, General School County Inspector, Bistriţa-Năsăud
15:45 – 16:45 Plenary speeches, Presenters: Ion ALBULESCU, Professor Ph.D. Habil & Adriana Denisa MANEA, Associate professor Ph.D.


  • His Eminence Andrei, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureṣ, and Sãlaj, Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj: Word of learning; Cuvânt de învățătură
  • Adrian OPRE, Professor Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca: Reconsidering the role of moral education in substantiating educational reforms
  • Ion ALBULESCU, Professor Ph.D. Habil: Transhumanism and education
  • PS Benedict VESA, Associate professor Ph.D.: Family, education and social life Seven inputs regarding the contemporary paradigm
16:45 – 17:00 Musical moment – Osana choir

Saturday, October 16, 2021 (Online work sections from 09:00 to 13:00)


Access Link: Join Video (available with Google Meet)
If the first room/ link has reached its maximum capacity, the Section A presentations can be followed at the second link: Join video

Presenters: Mirela ALBULESCU, Associate Professor Ph.D. & Iuliu-Marius MORARIU, PhD. Researcher

Lectures and title of papers:

  1. Rastko JOVIC, PhD., Associate Professor, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia; In Front of the World: the Birth of the Subject
  2. Nicholas LACKENBY, PhD., Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University College London; Not being a Pharisee: thoughts on rule-following in Serbian Orthodoxy
  3. Lino BIANCO, PhD., Associate Professor, University of Malta, Msida, Malta; Visiting Professor, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria; Parenthood Post-marital Failure is not Always a Gender-neutral Issue: A Personal Recollection
  4. Iuliu-Marius MORARIU, PhD. Researcher, „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Pretoria University, South Africa; Transylvanian Association for the Romanian Literature and the Culture of Romanian People „Vasile Moga” Department, Sebeș, Romania; Family and its Image in Virgil Gheorghiu’s Work
  5. Grigore-Toma SOMEȘAN, PhD. Candidate, „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj- Napoca, Romania; priest, Mociu 2 Parish, Romania; Creation and Beauty – for an Education of the Eye
  6. Inocent-Mária Vladimír SZANISZLÓOP, PhD. Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Angelicum Pontifical University, Rome, Italy; The Principle of Graduality as an Important Part of Christian Conjugal Love
  7. Erazmo BRANKOVSKI, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbian Republic; Ecology in the Revelation of John
  8. Mihai-Octavian GROZA, PhD. Candidate, „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; A Life dedicated to the Transylvanian Romanian Education. Contributions regarding the Biography of Professor Tit Liviu Blaga (1881-1916)

Access Link: Join Video (available with Google Meet)
If the first room/ link has reached its maximum capacity, the Section B presentations can be followed at the second link: Join video

Presenters: Cristian STAN, Professor Ph.D. Habil & Dan ANDRONACHE, Lecturer Ph.D.

Lectures and title of papers:

  1. Marius BĂNUȚ, Ph.D. Candidate, Ion ALBULESCU, Professor Ph.D. Habil, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The Integration of Digital Competences into the Primary Education Curriculum; Integrarea competențelor digitale în curriculumul educației primare
  2. Adriana Denisa MANEA, Associate Professor, Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Teacher Self Evaluation - Indicator of Quality Management in Education; Autoevaluarea profesorului - Indicator al managementului calității în educație
  3. Olga CHIȘ, Lecturer Ph.D., Anastasia Mălina CIOLOCA, Ph.D. Candidate, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The contribution of didactical self analysis to professional development; Contribuția autoanalizei didactice la dezvoltarea profesională
  4. Ioana MUDURE-IACOB, Lecturer Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Letters, Enhancing Autonomous Language Learning in Digital Environments - Paving the Way for Self-Learning via Escape Rooms and Communities of Practice; Îmbunătățirea învățării autonome a limbilor în mediile digitale - deschizând calea auto-învățării prin Escape Rooms și comunități de practică
  5. Alexandra Ioana OLTEAN, Lecturer Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Using Project-Based Learning in Online University Seminars; Utilizarea învățării bazate pe proiecte în seminarii universitare online
  6. Anca SIMION, Lecturer Ph.D., “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music Cluj-Napoca, Interpersonal Communication - Determinant Factor in Offline and Online Teaching Activity; Comunicare interpersonală - Factor determinant în activitatea de predare offline și online
  7. Andreia ȘTEFĂNESCU, Ion ALBULESCU, Professor Ph.D. Habil, Daniel ANDRONACHE, Lecturer Ph.D., Mirona STĂNESCU, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Diana Mariana BOERIU, Ph.D. Candidate, Petre Daniel CÂRCIAG, Professor Ph.D., Universitatea Națională de Educație Fizică și Sport, București, Attitudes Towards School and Learning. Analytical Perspectives of Students and their Parents; Atitudini față de școală și învățare. Perspective analitice ale elevilor și părinților lor
  8. Victor AXENTII, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Universitatea de Stat ”B.P.Hasdeu” din Cahul, RM, Interpersonal communication in the educational environment; Comunicarea interpersonală în mediul educațional
  9. Cosmin PRODEA, Associate Professor, Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The formative role - compensator of the physical activities within the online teaching; Rolul formativ –compensator al activităților fizice în cadrul predării on-line
  10. Constantina Maria CATALANO, Lecturer Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Aspects of Using Drawings as an Expressive Way of Understanding the Children; Aspecte ale utilizării desenelor ca mod expresiv de a înțelege copiii
  11. Oana MOȘOIU, Lecturer Ph.D., Universitatea București, Assessment in digital schooling-practices and perspectines; Evaluarea practicilor și perspective de școlarizare digitală
  12. Valer ȘINAR, Prof., Școala Gimnazială Grigore Șilași, Beclean, Utilization of digital resources in physical education classes; Valorificarea resurselor digitale în cadrul orelor de educație fizică
  13. Ionela BIDICĂ, Prof., Ph.D. Candidate, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Compensatory development and adaptive functioning of students with special educational needs; Dezvoltarea compensatorie și funcționarea adaptativă a elevilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale

Access Link: Join Video (available with Google Meet)
If the first room/ link has reached its maximum capacity, the Section C presentations can be followed at the second link: Join video

Presenters: Horațiu CATALANO, Associate Professor Ph.D. Habil & Maria BARBĂ, Lecturer Ph.D.

Lectures and title of papers:

  1. Cristian STAN, Professor Ph.D. Habil, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The effects of the Covid 19 pandemic on the educational context, Efectele pandemiei Covid 19 asupra contextului educațional
  2. Horațiu CATALANO, Associate Professor Ph.D. Habil, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Child-centered Paradigm in Early Education; Paradigma centrată pe copil în educația timpurie
  3. Horațiu CATALANO, Associate Professor Ph.D. Habil, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The power and fragility of alpha-parenting in the digital age; Puterea și fragilitatea alpha-parentingului în era digital
  4. Dumitru VÂLCAN, Associate Professor Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, When the madness comes from the church; Când sminteala vine din biserică
  5. Maria Claudia CUC, Lecturer Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Strategies for developing emotional resilience in learners; Strategii de dezvoltare a rezilientei emotionale la educabili.
  6. Snejana COJOCARI-LUCHIAN, Associate Professor Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Motivația elevilor de a învăța în procesul instructiv-educativ; Motivation of students to learn in the instructive-educational process
  7. Maria BARBĂ, Lecturer Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Formation of specific mathematical elementary calculation skills in preschoolers; Formarea competențelor specifice de calcul elementar matematic la preșcolari
  8. Ioana Aurelia AXENTII, Associate Professor Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, The role of integrated activities in the education of young children; Rolul activităților integrate în educația copiilor de vârstă timpurie
  9. Maria IANIOGLO, Associate Professor Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Comrat, RM, Intercultural dimensions of education in the initial training of teachers; Dimensiuni interculturale ale educației în formarea inițială a cadrelor didactice
  10. Valeriana PETCU, Associate Professor Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Methodological aspects regarding the family-school educational partnership in the context of current education; Aspecte metodologice privind parteneriatul educațional familie-școală în contextul educației actuale
  11. Maria BARBĂ, Lecturer Ph.D., Ion DRAGOI, postgraduate student, ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Family education in contemporary society; Educația familiei în societatea contemporană
  12. Corina RADU, Assist. Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, The need to train the skills of working with children at risk in students-future teachers; Necesitatea formării competențelor de lucru cu copiii aflați în situații de risc la studenții-viitori pedagogi
  13. Valeriana PETCU, Associate Professor Ph.D., Iana DUȘCHINA, postgraduate student, ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Domestic violence; Violența în familie

Access Link: Join Video (available with Google Meet)
If the first room/ link has reached its maximum capacity, the Section D presentations can be followed at the second link: Join video

Presenters: Catalin GLAVA, Associate Professor Ph.D. & Cosmin PRODEA, Associate Professor Ph.D.

Lectures and title of papers:

  1. Archimandrite, Teofil TIA, Professor Ph.D. Habil, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, The family priority: oxygenating life with love (Traveling with Giacomo Dacquino through the society of the future); Prioritatea familiei: oxigenarea vieții cu dragoste (Călătorind cu Giacomo Dacquino prin societatea viitorului)
  2. Fr. Ştefan ILOAIE, Professor Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Effects of postmodernism on faith; Efecte ale postmodernismului asupra credinței
  3. Cătălin GLAVA, Associate Professor Ph.D., Adina GLAVA, Associate Professor Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, The Family - an Existential Topic; Familia - un subiect existențial
  4. Lavinia NIȚULESCU, Associate Professor Ph.D., Gianina PRODAN, Associate Professor Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ancuța FRANȚ, Associate Professor Ph.D., Universitatea de Vest, Timișoara, Identity Changes of Roma Ethnic Population. The Case of Romanian Citizens belonging to Roma Minority, Schimbări de identitate ale populației etnice rome. Cazul cetățenilor români aparținând minorității rome
  5. Delia MUSTE, Associate Professor Ph.D., UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Providing meaningfult feedback for students, Oferirea de feedback semnificativ elevilor
  6. Olga CHIȘ, Lecturer Ph.D., Claudia Doina GREC, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Training creativity in preschool education; Formarea creativității în educația preșcolară
  7. Natalia MIHĂILESCU, Associate Professor Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Psycho-pedagogical landmarks regarding the formation of self-image in children of high preschool age; Repere psihopedagogice privind formarea imaginii de sine la copiii de vârstă preșcolară mare
  8. Liliana GROSU, Associate Professor Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Family communication - a key component of a sustainable society; Comunicarea în familie – componentă cheie a unei societății durabile
  9. Maxim ILICCIEV, Lecturer Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Psycho-social aspects of religious education; Aspecte psiho-sociale ale educației religioase
  10. Maria BARBĂ, Lecturer Ph.D., ”B.P.Hasdeu” State University from Cahul, RM, Intercultural education - problem and solutions; Educația interculturală – problemă și soluții
  11. Angelo Aurelian MANEA, Prof., Ph.D. Candidate, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Church and Nation in the Transylvanian Romanians in the Second Half of the 18th and Early 20th Centuries, Biserică şi naţiune la românii ardeleni în a doua jumătate a sec. XIX şi la începutul secolului XX
  12. Emilia-Sanda CÎRCEIE, Ph.D., Kindergarten with extended program, Vatra-Dornei, Fr. Victor-Ovidiu CÎRCEIE, Ph.D., Vatra-Dornei, The Religious Education in the light of interstatal Orthodox Churches Relations, Educația religioasă în lumina relațiilor bisericești ortodoxe interstatale
  13. Cristina ȘINAR, Prof., Kindergarten with extended program „Albă ca Zăpada”, Beclean, The construction of the preschooler's personality from the perspective of moral-religious values and national identity; Constructul personalității preșcolarului din perspectiva valorilor moral-religioase și al identității naționale

The list of live participants to ERF-2021 can be seen in the .pdf version of the Conference programDetails
